(A) CHOTTU AND MOTTU – Cartoon Short Film on Personal & Environmental Hygiene –A BriefIntroduction
The Animated Documentary Cartoon Short Film on Personal & Environmental Hygiene “Chottu and Mottu”, creates awareness and inculcates the habit of wearing face masks, social distancing and maintaining hand hygiene to function as a SOCIAL VACCINE, especially among School Students. This supplements the efforts of our Hon. Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi Ji, wherein he launched Maskup India Movement to reinforce strict adherence to social vaccine norms as mentioned above and his earlierSwachch Bharat Movement, to ensure open defecation free behaviours.
Project Ideator& Program Organizer
The Project Ideator& Program Organizer, Dr T.S. Chandrasekar, MD, DM, D.Sc, FRCP, FASGE, FACG, AGAF, MWGO, is a Padma Shri Awardee, and the Founder, Chairman & Chief Gastroenterologist ofMedIndia Hospitals and Founder & Managing Trustee of MedIndia Charitable Trust, Chennai.
Salient Features of the Cartoon Short Film
- Hand washing routine
- Wearing face mask
- Social distancing
- Using hand sanitizer in public places
- Consciously avoiding touching the face
- Covering face with cloth/tissue paper while coughing and sneezing
- Nail trimming
- Usage of health faucet after defecation
- Eliminating open-air defecation, urination
- Avoiding spitting in public places
- Avoiding walking bare foot outside
- Garbage segregation at home
The video weblink for the Animated Documentary Cartoon Short Films have been given below.
(B) Braille Chart on Covid – 19 Hygiene
MedIndia Hospitals has created and launched Ten Commandments on Covid-19 related personal hygiene practices in braille format, in Tamil and English for the disabled and distributed the same to Schools of the disabled in Chennai.
Ten Commandments on COVID-19 related hygiene practices
- Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap, on entering home, before taking meals and after using the rest room.
- Always wear face mask at public places.
- Maintain social distance at public places.
- Use Hand Sanitizer at public places.
- Cover nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing with forearm or hand kerchief.
- Consciously avoid touching nose, mouth and face.
- Wear gloves in public places.
- Sanitize the items brought from outside, before use.
- Do not hesitate to vaccinate, when available.
- Diligent practice of the above hygiene measures help to contain COVID-19 pandemic

The weblinks for the press coverage of the Covid-19 Braille Chart release function which appeared in The Hindu, NDTV, Republic TV and The Week have been given below.
- https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/braille-chart-on-covid-19-hygiene-practices-released/article33496014.ece
- https://www.ndtv.com/chennai-news/chennai-doctor-launches-covid-hygiene-practices-in-braille-format-2347684
- https://www.republicworld.com/india-news/general-news/city-based-doc-comes-out-with-covid-hygiene-practices-in-braille-format.html
- https://www.theweek.in/wire-updates/national/2021/01/04/srg6-tn-virus-braille.html
- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/document-on-personal-hygiene-tips-in-braille-launched-in-chennai/articleshow/80101015.cms